Dear ,
I meet many people who wish to find their life purpose but have no idea of what this could be.
When I go deeper and into details, very often it becomes clear that people connect something big and exceptional with the concept of life purpose. Sometimes it has to do with being famous, helping others or doing something extraordinary and with this the desire to find the purpose in life very often is linked to the desire to be important, to be respected and to be seen.
But underneath that desire there is another one – the longing that we are part of something bigger and that we contribute to this something bigger with our being in this world. In short – that our life has a meaning.
I think there are two aspects that we have to consider. One has to do with time and the other one with our gifts and talents.
When it comes to time I would like to quote Viktor E. Frankl who said: “For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment.”
Based on this assumption the concepts of meaning and purpose loose much of their weight and pressure. Because we do not have look for the overall purpose or the overall meaning – we can break them down to small bits in time – in the here and now – by asking ourselves: “What am I meant to do now, in this moment in time?”
And it might be that in this moment you are meant to prepare a meal with love, or to study for the next exam, or to take your child to school or to just sit in your kitchen with a cup of tea listening to some music. It could also be to accept the loss of a loved one and let them go or to surrender to ageing and to the circle of life.
When we live in this presence and become more and more aware of what life demands of us eventually we understand that – no matter what – our life has a meaning, although we might only understand it by looking back.
When it comes to our gifts and talents – I am very much with what we can experience in and through family constellations.
Our life (and with this our gifts and talents) came through our parents, our father and our mother - through the flow of life through all the generations before us.
Can we embrace this life fully? Are we ready to take our life fully from our parents despite of all that might have happened in the past? Are we able to think of them with an open heart seeing them as they are and not how we would like them to be?
Often gifts and talents, professional opportunities or potential meaningful activities and with this inner fulfilment are thrown away because of entanglements or hidden loyalties with parents, because of judgement, anger, blame, rejection and resistance – sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously.
So whatever happened in the past – let’s stick to Victor E. Frankl when he says that the human being is a being able to decide who he/she is going to be in the next moment.
Let’s embrace our past and acknowledge our parents (dead or alive, near or far) and be grateful for the life they have given us. Let’s become aware that they continue to live within us (if we want it or not) and that rejecting them means rejecting ourselves.
And with this let’s discover who we really are and let’s trust that with this inner attitude step by step we gather more and more meaningful moments that in the end turn out to be our own unique meaningful life.
And fulfilling this meaning we have reached our life purpose.
Sending you my best wishes for a "golden" and fulfilled October.
Love and light