Dear ,
Lately, when I was on one of my walks, some trees caught my eye, in particular their trunks. And in this newsletter I would like to share my reflections and some pictures with you.
Looking at their barks I noticed that they were all different and that they all had different lines and marks. I imagined how these had come to be and I realized that the process of growth of a tree might be quite similar to ours. And there might be pain, too.
Did you ever ask yourself if a tree feels pain while it grows? Or when a branch is cut off?
This thought made me connect closer with them and I became aware that rather than thinking about the challenges I always had admired the trees for their beauty, for the uniqueness of their barks, their shapes and for standing tall. But now I could see their wounds and their scars and the admiration transformed into genuine love. I also felt held in their company – and it was like all these trees can hold space for our own sometimes painful process of growth. If we just allow it.
Then my thoughts went to my fellow human beings. How often do we look at others with admiration or sometimes envy about the place or position they have reached. Or sometimes we might look at others with fear or judgement.
When we look with our mind and thoughts, we only “see” where they are in this moment. We do not consider what it took or brought them to be where and who they are now.
When we “look with our heart” we might see the struggle they had to go through to get where they are now. We might see the wounds and scars of their growth process and all of a sudden we might see them with different eyes.
And what happens, when we see someone with different eyes? We approach them differently. We speak and behave differently. We even might feel different about ourselves. And from this a totally new relationship can emerge.
Thank you, dear trees, for this beautiful lesson and for holding space for us.
May you have a wonderful month of March. It’s springtime, time for walks and nature. Time for meeting the trees....
In the spirit of love and reconciliation
Ursula |