Dear ,

No matter if you celebrate Christmas or the Winter Solstice - December and especially the time towards the end of the year is all about honoring the light.

The days get shorter and shorter until on the 21st of December we have the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

Ancient civilizations from all across the world celebrated the winter solstice. The Greeks made offerings to Apollo, the Incas to Inti, the Mayans to Kinich Ahau and the Pagans celebrated the birth of the “Sun Child” who would defeat the powers of darkness in the following spring.

It is surely not a coincidence that Christians choose to celebrate the birth of Jesus right at this time of the year.

Winter solstice is a turning point that marks the return of the sun, when the darkest hours begin to brighten, and the nights grow shorter.

Reflecting on all this made me think about how much so many people are focused on the light only. So many of us are searching for the light somewhere outside, in a God or Goddess, or other spiritual beings.

What happens as a consequence? Of course, we also see the darkness, the shadow, as something outside of ourselves. And this makes it easy to be afraid of it, to not want to look at it, to reject it.

It seems we believe that the battle between light and darkness is a battle happening outside of us that we have to fight.

And yet this time of the year teaches us something else. It reminds us that darkness must exist before dawn can break through once more into the light.

December can be a time of reflection on our own darkness, on our shadow, on what we are afraid of and don’t want to look at. On what haunts us and hinders us from moving forward.

During the last weeks I had two constellations where light and darkness played a big role. And it was interesting that in both the situation was blocked as long as the focus was on the light only whilst rejecting the shadow. The healing movement came through looking at the shadow (or what the shadow represented), the dark spot that was rejected - and through embracing it and connecting with it through the heart.

May the month of December be a month of understanding that light and darkness belong together, that one cannot exist without the other, that when we stop the fight and allow the darkness to teach us, we will be able to allow the light within us to shine.

In the spirit of love and reconciliation



PS: I apologize for the quality of this newsletter's pictures, they are definitely not among my best shots, but they just felt so right for the topic.

You can still join the Family Constellation Day in Sofia/Bulgaria

 “New beginnings”

Saturday 10th December / 9:00 – 18:00

“Inner Self – Blvd. Hristo Botev 79, Sofia”

Join us as REPRESENTATIVE and safe your space through the link below.

OWN CONSTELLATIONS are fully booked.


For any questions, please get in touch with me.




The first dates will be published soon on FB, Telegram and in my next newsletter, or directly sent to the ones who use the form below.


Constellation Workshop Malta

February 2023

Constellation Workshop Romania

March 2023


Advanced Training

5 days in April 2023


Retreat in Romania

"Healing from within"

A special 5 days retreat with Dumitrita and Ursula

Mai 2023


Basic Training in Systemic Constellations / online

Starting in May 2023


If you are interested in one of the above please use the following link to get in touch and get further information.

Checking a box is without any obligation, and yet you help me to offer what you are most interested in.  Thank you.






1to1 Healing Sessions


The sessions will be resumed at the end of January 2023.

If you would like to book a 1to1 session please get in touch through this link for registration 1TO1 HEALING SESSIONS


If you are interested in a special "HEALING JOURNEY" that consists of 4 separate 1to1 sessions and allows you to become aware of what is still waiting for healing in your mother and father line you can have a look HERE


Any questions you might have, please feel free to contact me.


Thank you for your trust and for allowing me to be part of your life journey

In the spirit of love and reconciliation,


And this is my newest video about the different ways I work with constellations.   

 I hope you enjoy it.



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