Dear ,


Some weeks ago I, was in a quite bad mood (and yes, this happens also to me - haha).

I felt stuck, full of doubts and there was a deep sadness inside of me. Honestly, I just wanted to hide in some corner and stay there forever.

Well, fortunately I couldn’t, because I had to go to another city. So I got into my car and started driving. And while I was driving, I suddenly had an amazing insight that changed my mood immediately.

Life is in constant movement.

Even when we think we are stuck – life is already moving on.

We might be stuck in our thoughts, in a situation, we might think we are stuck, but underneath things are already moving. Only that often they are moving in a pace which is so slow that we are not aware of it.

So while I was driving on that day, I realized that I was moving through the countryside and I became aware of the beauty of this movement and its changes. Behind every bend something new was waiting for me which I might not have seen, had I stayed at home in my “corner”.

And all of a sudden new thoughts came up, I could feel my body becoming alive again, the smile returning to my face, and trust and joy filling my whole being. I started to sing along with the radio and within less than 30 minutes the deadlock had completely gone.

The lesson I learnt on that day was: Sometimes we just need to trust that – however stuck we might feel - things are already moving, because life is movement. And when we start moving physically – no matter in what way, we align with the movement of life that carries us forward.

For me, on that day, it was driving my car. But you can also simply walk consciously, dance, swim or ride your bike.

In this moment in time many of us feel stuck, life feels stuck and the global situation never ending. This is what I hear and sense in many conversations.

But when we become aware of that – no matter how things might seem today – life is already moving and that we are part of that constant movement, we can come alive again, become creative, get together and start realigning with the movement of life.

So in whatever situation you might be in this moment: just trust – you are already moving.

Sending you my best wishes for a not too hot month of August in the spirit of love and reconciliation



1to1 Healing Sessions

The 1to1 healing sessions will continue in September.

You can register at any time also during the month of August HERE



"With Ursula through the year"

We have started this journey with a lovely group of beautiful, strong women and I am looking very much forward to it.


Thank you for your trust and for allowing me to be part of your life journey.

Much love, Ursula

Family / Systemic Constellation Workshop in Bulgaria


Due to organizational reasons the workshop is postponed to

Sunday, 05.09.2021

13:00 – 17:30 roundabout

In Gostilitsa (between Veliko Tarnovo and Gabrovo)

After a successful introduction afternoon, I am now very much looking forward to my first constellation workshop in my new home.

The workshop will be held in English, but I will organize translation in Bulgarian, if necessary. You can ask for it in the white space in the registration form.

You can join as ISSUE-HOLDER (working on your own question – 1 space available - 90 EUR incl. preparation and after-care) or as a REPRESENTATIVE (representative spaces are on donation basis).

Here you can find more information and the LINK TO THE EVENT

5 day retreat in Bulgaria 

"Allow change to happen"

Although the travel situation does not really seem to improve, I am still keeping the dates.

If it is meant to be it will happen, if not, it is meant to be another time.

  4th - 8th October 2021

  •     Are you looking for peace within and healing what is waiting for being healed?
  •   Would you allow yourself to surrender to life and to understand what it holds ready for you?
  •     Or would you just want to take some days off and reconnect to yourself in a peaceful and safe surrounding?

Then you are very welcome to join me.

You will connect with nature, work with elements of movement and drawing, have time for silence and sharing, meditation, go on a vision walk and of course explore different kind of constellations.

More information regarding fees, food, accommodation, travel and more please FOLLOW THIS LINK

Sharing with you my video about "Happy moments" Enjoy 💖
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