Dear ,


When I changed my website about two years ago I choose the title “Allow change to happen”. Little did I know how many more changes life would have in store for me.

So in this newsletter I want to reflect on the following question:


Can we really change ourselves?

Is change something that is an active act of will? Or does it need more?

And if there is more to it, what is it that really makes a change?


Looking back to on the 60 years of my life and also on the 10 years that I am now working with the “Orders of Love” my conclusion is:

No, we cannot change ourselves, but it is life changing us, when we surrender to it.

Now you might ask: What does this mean and what is the difference?

Well, usually, when people say that they want a change in their life, they start with consciously (or sometimes unconsciously) rejecting what they have or what they are experiencing in that moment:

A relationship, or the way they live this relationship. A workplace that doesn’t fulfill them or a colleague that is giving them a hard time. Troubles with kids or family. Patterns of self-sabotage. Issues with anxiety, depression, eating disorders and much more.

The first reaction to the thought of change is to reject what is – be it someone or something or even (parts of) ourselves.

I think we all know that this does not really bring a solution, but could rather lead to even more conflicts and doubts, frustration and often helplessness, and in the end desperation, when we realize that again we haven’t managed to progress.

Very often I hear the words “I have worked so hard on myself these last months/years, and still I am stuck or it feels that there hasn’t been any progress!”

My answer usually is “STOP WORKING SO HARD!”.

Please don’t get me wrong. Of course we need to give our best when we want to achieve something on an everyday level. If we have to do an exam we need to study. If we want to become a singer or an athlete we need to train our voice or our body. If we want to become CEO of a company we need to acquire the necessary skills.

But the change I am talking about is something different.

If you remember, my question at the beginning was: “Can we change ourselves?” So this change has to do with who we are - on a soul or heart level. It has to do with how we sense ourselves and how we feel and think about ourselves. Also many changes that we want to make regarding unhappy relationships or workplaces in the end have to do with how we experience ourselves.

And these changes can’t be achieved in the way most of us are taught from childhood on like: “If you only try hard enough, you will succeed”.

These changes come when we surrender to life as it is in that moment.

When we acknowledge our feelings, the situation we are in, the wound that another unhappy relationship has opened within us, the frustration and helplessness that we feel regarding the bullying colleague, the sadness that comes up when we think of our mother or father, the desperation when for the nth time we fall back in unhealthy eating patterns, the despair regarding the numbness of our depression, the anger towards someone who treated us without respect ….

These are the situations that life is giving us – not to treat us bad or to punish us, but to support us in understanding our unhealed wounds, loyalties or entanglements.

By surrendering to them and to life, we learn to look at them (and us) with compassion, to embrace them and to understand what really belongs to us and what not. And in this process of acknowledgement and letting go change happens as something natural.

So that in the end we might not become who we want to become, but who we truly are and are meant to be.

Just like the poppy in the picture above.

I am wishing you all a gentle and loving month of June

In the spirit of love and reconciliation



The new offers for the second half of 2021 all have the common theme




You can find them below and of course my 1to1 healing sessions continue as usual.

Thank you for your trust and for allowing me to be part of your life journey.

Much love, Ursula



a monthly program

Are you ready to go with me on a journey of growth and positive changes in your life?

Are you ready to “ALLOW CHANGE TO HAPPEN”? Then join me on this journey – and this is what you can expect:

We will work with the messages of the healing cards of my card deck (you can see an example above).

Each month you will receive:

  • A video with my reflections on the topic
  • An audio with a special meditation on the topic
  • A live online group session at the end of each month where you can ask questions, share your process etc.

There is also the option to choose a special program where one 1to1 healing session with me is included at a time of your choice during the year.

For more information, times, fees, conditions etc. PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK 




This is also the central theme of two 5 day retreats that I will be offering in Bulgaria

These are the dates:

28th August – 1st September

  4th - 8th October 2021

  •     Are you looking for peace within and healing what is waiting for being healed?
  •   Would you allow yourself to surrender to life and to understand what it holds ready for you?
  •     Or would you just want to take some days off and reconnect to yourself in a peaceful and safe surrounding?

Then you are very welcome to join me on one of the above dates.

You will connect with nature, work with elements of movement and drawing, have time for silence and sharing, meditation, go on a vision walk and of course explore different kind of constellations.

Above and below you can see the surroundings where you will enjoy these days of transformation.

More information regarding fees, food, accommodation, travel and more please FOLLOW THIS LINK

And there is one more change.

Finally I am starting to introduce my work in Bulgaria

There will be a free afternoon introduction to Family and Systemic Constellations

Date: Saturday, 26.06.2021

Time: 13:30 – 17:30 roundabout

I am very much looking forward to holding this informative afternoon event for people in the area of my new home to get to know me and my work and to learn about constellations, trans-generational healing and the “Orders of Love”.

If you live in Bulgaria and are interested, I am looking very much forward to meeting you soon.

Here you can find the LINK TO THE EVENT

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Ursula Maria Bell
00359 87 693 8985
© Ursula Maria Bell 2020