Dear ,

A couple of days ago we had the first snow here in Bulgaria. I was looking forward to it, but I did not expect that it would bring me so much joy and eventually beautiful and deep insights.

On the second day, when the snow was quite high, I was preparing myself to walk the dog. On the way through the garden I realized that the snow had the perfect condition for building a snowman. And my Inner Child took over…..

It had been years since I had built my last snowman and for a moment I questioned my plan, but then I told the dog that he had to wait and started to roll up the snowballs.

I knew that the weather was supposed to change soon again and my snowman would not have the minimum chance to survive more than a couple of days. But it did not matter.

It was all about living in this moment - enjoying this present moment – in a creative process, connected with everything around me.

When the snowman was nearly ready I felt that he wanted to smile, so I searched for a tiny twig that would make this possible. His smile directed my gaze to the snow in front of him and I discovered a leaf in the form of a heart - I picked it up and I brought him to life.

And with this I realized that I had brought myself to life. I looked in his dark eyes, saw him smile and listened….

Here is what he taught me

- If you want to do something that makes you happy – do it

- Enjoy the present moment without worrying that it could soon be gone

- It depends very much on you if you put a smile on someone else’s face

- Allow yourself to be guided by nature

- Allow your Inner Child to play and to take over every now and then

- Be grateful for every moment you feel alive

- Take your time to play every now and then

- Life is too short to worry about being childish or ridiculous

And finally:

You’re never too old to build a snowman💖

I wish you wonderful month of December. May it be a time where you allow your Inner Child to play, to smile, to be creative and loving, to connect, to sing, to dance to do whatever she/he wants.

This time of year is not about presents and feasts. No matter how we celebrate Christmas – it is always about the light winning over darkness – and it all begins in our own heart. It is about saying “yes” to life and ultimately to our own being alive and reconnecting to our Inner Child.

Sending you love and light and wishing you lots of fun and childishness




Did you know that constellation work is amazing to reconnect to your Inner Child? You will be able to understand the obstacles and blockages and allow yourself to let go of what is no longer needed.

Through constellations we grasp the intangible and find new ways and solutions to accept ourselves and allow ourselves to more and more live our authentic lives.

I have witnessed so many wonderful people step by step approaching their goals and dreams. This is why I love my work so much.

If you are interested in either working with me in a 1to1 SESSION or participating in an ONLINE CONSTELLATION WORKSHOP, don’t hesitate to get in touch. I am happy to answer all the questions you might have.

Besides all this I am also offering SUPERVISION for therapists, counselors and coaches. This kind of supervision is based on the constellation approach and brings very deep and supportive insights, no matter which approach and theory you are working with.

Please find herewith a contact form where you can express your interest in one of the above alternatives and get in touch if you have further question you would like to clarify.

For any questions or requests you can get in touch of course also via email u.bell@ursulamariabell.com

Whatever form you might choose, I am happy to support you and to be part of your life journey.

Ursula 💖

Preview 2021

Between December 16th and January 10th I will allow myself to fully enjoy the winter in my new home.

These are the plans for 2021

1) 1to1 sessions, online constellation workshops and supervision (1to1 and groups) will continue on request

2) Online workshops with special topics

3) Retreats in Bulgaria for finding inner peace and purpose

4) A new TRAINING cycle starting in spring

More info will come with the January newsletter.

If any of these speaks to you please GET IN TOUCH

I am very much looking forward to a new year full of beautiful adventures.

Wishing you from the heart a MERRY CHRISTMAS in the spirit of love and reconciliation



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