Dear ,
I must admit that I never struggled as much to write a newsletter as this one.
I started over and over again and realized how difficult it is at this moment in time to find the “right” words. Words that would express my opinion and yet leave out judgements. Words that would include rather than exclude. Words that would hold an opinion and yet allow other opinions to exist.
To make it short – I gave it up. And I rather decided to dedicate this newsletter to “the power of words”.
Words are our means of communication. Through words we express ourselves and connect to others. Through words we explain, reach out, teach, ask questions and answer questions.
Words are powerful. Words can create but they can also destroy. One single word spoken thoughtlessly can destroy a long lasting friendship – it can even destroy a life. One single word spoken with care can save a life and be the start of a lifelong friendship.
When I look at the news and social media in these days, I feel inundated with thoughtlessly spoken words. Words that feel to be spoken too quickly, out of rage, judgement, fear or simply helplessness. I can witness a split in society, enemies that 4 weeks ago have been friends, aggression rising …..
Of course I agree that there are things that have to be said, that cannot be left unspoken – the question is only – how do we use words to communicate them?
The best intention, the most genuine conscience, the most important message can lead to war, exclusion and destruction – when words are chosen from a place that is missing love.
All this made me realize that none of us, none of our children has ever been taught the importance and the power of words.
When we are children we learn how to talk and we learn this by imitating our parents, family and the world around us. When we go to school (or now even before in kindergarden) we learn how to read and write. But we never learn about the power of words, we never learn how to really use words properly in a way that they support our peacefully living together in a community.
And I was thinking how much difference would it make today if we all were taught as children to use words in an including, respectful, acknowledging, creative and compassionate way. I imagined this for a moment and I could see that our whole communication would be different. Everything we share on social media would be different. The way journalists write would be different and the way politicians talk to us would be different.
And this is where everyone of us comes in. Which words do we chose?
Do we speak from a place of love or a place of fear and rejection?
Do we choose our words wisely with a conscious action or do our words emerge from an unconscious reaction to something we read or heard?
We always wait for the world around us to change. But change starts with US.
Imagine all the people choosing words wisely and from a place of love. Imagine every one of us just starting with ourselves.
Maybe I am a dreamer – but in this moment of writing I know that this would be revolutionary. A revolution created only through a different use of words, a conscious use of words, a uniting use of words.
We would have no more excuses to put the blame on others, because we would take responsibility for what we say and how we say it. And we could start today, it would not depend on anyone else, just on us. And it could be contagious and inspire others. Imagine ….
Maybe this is a dream, yes, but dreams can come true when there are enough that share the same dream and build it together.
Thank you for listening to my words.
I wish you a sunny month of June in the spirit of love and reconciliation