The benefit or family constellations –  Anonymous Survey 2019

In 2019 I carried out an anonymous survey about the benefits of constellations. These were the results.

Number of participants: 91

Women    80%
Men          19%
Other          1%
15-20        1 %
20-30     10 %
30-40     30 %
40-50     39 %
50 plus   20 %


How did you participate?
Participants in group workshops:                            77 %
Participants in 1to1 sessions and group sessions: 33%
Participants as representatives only:                       19%


How much time has passed since your constellation?
Less than 6 months ago:               32%
Between 6 and 12 months ago:    20%
Between 1 and 2 years ago:           39%
More than 2 years ago:                  29%
This is more than 100% because some people had more than one constellation.


Did the constellation make a difference?
Yes         93%
No            7%


If it made a difference, when was it felt?
Immediately                                                                  35%
Within some weeks after the constellation         36%
On the longer term                                                      29%


How did you feel immediately after the constellation?
Better                   72%
Worse                  13%
No difference     15%


If you felt worse, did things change to the better after that?
Yes         91 %
No            9 %


Did it have a positive effect on your general well-being?
Yes         90%
No          10%


Did it have a positive effect on your health?
Yes                          45 %
No                           16 %
Not applicable     39 %


Did it have a positive effect on your emotional well-being?
Yes         91 %
No            9 %


Did it have a positive effect on your relationships with family members?
Yes         84 %
No          16 %


Did it have a positive effect on romantic relationships?
Yes                         46 %
No                           17 %
Not applicable    37%


Did it have a positive effect on your relationships in general?
Yes         86 %
No          14 %


Which effect did it have on your perspectives?
Change in perspective of life in general:
Yes         86 %
No          14 %
Change in understanding family dynamics:
Yes         87 %
No          13 %
Change in understanding parents:
Yes         84 %
No          16 %
Change in understanding relationships:
Yes         80 %
No          20 %


In which area of your life did you feel the most important and positive consequence/s? (multiple answers possible)
Private                 41 %
Health                  16 %
Mental health    47 %
Relationships     55 %
Family                  64 %
Professional       27 %
Note: The percentages might be connected with the intentions of the people who do a constellation.


Was the effect of the constellation or participation in the workshop a lasting one?
Yes         87 %
No          13 %


How many constellations have you done so far?
O                                                        3 %
1                                                         34 %
More than 1 but less than 4         35 %
More than 4 but less than 8         16 %
More than 8                                     12 %
If more than one, have you participated in constellations with more than one facilitator?
Yes         41 %
No          59 %


Was there a difference in the experience with different facilitators?
Yes         91 %
No            9 %
In which area was the biggest difference?
Way of facilitating the workshop              48 %
Depth of experience                                     35 %
Feeling of safety                                            17 %


Did the facilitator prepare the constellation with you?
Yes         69 %
No          31 %
If yes, was this positive for you?
Yes         96 %
No            4 %
Did you feel already a shift in the phase of preparation?
Yes         79 %
No          22 %


Did you talk about your story in front of the group?
Yes         17 %
No          83 %
If yes, did you feel comfortable with it?
Yes         83 %
No          17 %


Would you say that participating as a representative can have a positive effect on one’s own life and well-being?
Yes         95 %
No            5 %
Do you like being a representative in a constellation?
Yes         92 %
No            8 %
If yes, why do you like it? (multiple answers possible)
It has a positive effect on my own life                    66 %
I love supporting others in their process              82 %
I learn to trust my intuition                                       74 %
I get new insights about life in general                  78 %
I just love being in a constellation group              32 %
Do you prefer to know or not to know who you represent in a constellation?
I prefer to know it                           21 %
I prefer NOT to know it                 52 %
It doesn’t make a difference          27 %


Is it important for you to know how constellations work?
No                                                                            52 %
Yes, I would like to know more about this.      48 %


Would you recommend a systemic constellation to a friend or relative?
Yes                                                                                83 %
No                                                                                   2 %
Yes, but only with (a) certain facilitator(s)             15 %

(the 2% who replied with “no” thought it was not a serious approach)

Family Constellation weekend “New Beginnings” – 23.-25. June 2023

Join the next

Family Constellation weekend in Cluj-Napoca


When? (you can choose one or more days)

Friday, 23th June 2023 (18:00 – 21:30)

Saturday, 24th June 2023 (9:00 – 18:00)

Sunday, 25th June 2023 (9:00 – 18:00)



“IKWE Yoga Studio”, Strada Mihai Veliciu 9, Cluj-Napoca



OWN CONSTELLATIONS: 2 spaces available


Representative fees

Friday evening: 120 Lei

Saturday OR Sunday: 200 Lei

Friday AND one full day: 270 Lei

Saturday AND Sunday: 350 Lei

All three days: 450 Lei

(Don’t let financial issues hinder you from participating.
Just get in touch – we will surely find a solution.)

Register here for the workshop





The workshop will start with a short introduction about the “Orders of Love” and Ursula’s way of working with constellations.

The workshop will be held in English.

For any questions you might have, please get in touch via email

If you want to participate, please use this form to REGISTER HERE

I am looking very much forward to meeting you,


Connecting from the heart (Online weekend workshop)

This weekend online workshop will give you the opportunity to understand what it means to connect from the heart and the difference it makes.

Through exercises, single and in the group, creative elements, and different approaches based on constellations we will go on this journey together.

Already Albert Einstein said: Don’t let your brain interfere with your heart. 

Especially in these last two years the interference of our brain became more and more prevailing.

Let’s focus this year on the heart, on true connection, beyond fear and frustration. Let’s focus on what heals and supports us in our inner growth and to follow our calling.

No matter where you are in this stage of your life, connecting from the heart – starting with yourself – will make a change.

I am looking forward to this journey with you.

Any questions you might still have in this regard, please use the CONTACT form on this website.

Dates: 07.+08. May 2022

Time: 10:00 – 18:00 CET

Participation fee: 120 EUR (whole weekend)

(min. 4 – max. 8 participants)
Deadline for registration: April 22nd 2022