Basic Training in Systemic/Family Constellations
The next BASIC TRAINING will start on
Saturday, September 20th, 2025
Follow the link further down on this page for “All you need to know” 💖
Answering the most common questions in a nutshell
Why is it called “Basic” Training?
Because it gives the participants a very profound understanding of the philosophical and spiritual basis of constellation work and the trans-generational approach without the final goal to become a facilitator. Through the first steps in experiencing what it means to facilitate, at the end of the course, everyone will know if the facilitator path is something they want to pursue further in advanced training modules or with other trainers.
What is special about this training?
Every training group has a maximum of 8 participants. This gives enough space and possibilities for each participant to have in-depth experience of personal development. Everyone will have 6 individual sessions of 2h each during the course, engaging deeply with their own family system and being able to individually look at other patterns that arise with time.
The whole basic training is online, which means that there are no travel or other additional expenses. And it allows participants from different countries to participate, which is another enrichment in terms of understanding different cultures.
For whom is this training?
The training is for everyone interested in personal growth, open to going on a journey that starts with connecting to their own roots. Some people join for their own development or to understand if the path of constellations resonates with them. Participants who are already working in helping professions join to deepen their understanding about trans-generational dynamics and to further enhance the support of their clients. Other professionals like teachers, lawyers, body therapists, coaches, mediators and many more benefit from looking at life and its circumstances from a different and maybe wider perspective.