
This is a space for short videos about insights and new perspectives on different life topics, family constellations and “The Orders of Love”.
For more short videos, please use this link to visit my YOUTUBE channel
“The Orders of Love” – Video 1
The family system
“The Orders of  Love” – Video 2
“The Orders of Love” – Video 3
“The Orders of Love” – Video 4
Fate & Responsibility
“The Orders of Love” – Video 5
Balance of Give & Take
“The Orders of Love” – Video 6
More than just a constellation
This short video is about what trees and our family system have in common.
The inspiration came on one of my morning walks with Yari, our dog.
This is a song I wrote after one of the first family constellations that I  experienced as an issue holder.
For me it was life changing.
More videos on my YOUTUBE channel