In 2019 I carried out an anonymous survey about the benefits of constellations. These were the results.
Number of participants: 91
Women 80%
Men 19%
Other 1%
15-20 1 %
20-30 10 %
30-40 30 %
40-50 39 %
50 plus 20 %
How did you participate?
Participants in group workshops: 77 %
Participants in 1to1 sessions and group sessions: 33%
Participants as representatives only: 19%
How much time has passed since your constellation?
Less than 6 months ago: 32%
Between 6 and 12 months ago: 20%
Between 1 and 2 years ago: 39%
More than 2 years ago: 29%
This is more than 100% because some people had more than one constellation.
Did the constellation make a difference?
Yes 93%
No 7%
If it made a difference, when was it felt?
Immediately 35%
Within some weeks after the constellation 36%
On the longer term 29%
How did you feel immediately after the constellation?
Better 72%
Worse 13%
No difference 15%
If you felt worse, did things change to the better after that?
Yes 91 %
No 9 %
Did it have a positive effect on your general well-being?
Yes 90%
No 10%
Did it have a positive effect on your health?
Yes 45 %
No 16 %
Not applicable 39 %
Did it have a positive effect on your emotional well-being?
Yes 91 %
No 9 %
Did it have a positive effect on your relationships with family members?
Yes 84 %
No 16 %
Did it have a positive effect on romantic relationships?
Yes 46 %
No 17 %
Not applicable 37%
Did it have a positive effect on your relationships in general?
Yes 86 %
No 14 %
Which effect did it have on your perspectives?
Change in perspective of life in general:
Yes 86 %
No 14 %
Change in understanding family dynamics:
Yes 87 %
No 13 %
Change in understanding parents:
Yes 84 %
No 16 %
Change in understanding relationships:
Yes 80 %
No 20 %
In which area of your life did you feel the most important and positive consequence/s? (multiple answers possible)
Private 41 %
Health 16 %
Mental health 47 %
Relationships 55 %
Family 64 %
Professional 27 %
Note: The percentages might be connected with the intentions of the people who do a constellation.
Was the effect of the constellation or participation in the workshop a lasting one?
Yes 87 %
No 13 %
How many constellations have you done so far?
O 3 %
1 34 %
More than 1 but less than 4 35 %
More than 4 but less than 8 16 %
More than 8 12 %
If more than one, have you participated in constellations with more than one facilitator?
Yes 41 %
No 59 %
Was there a difference in the experience with different facilitators?
Yes 91 %
No 9 %
In which area was the biggest difference?
Way of facilitating the workshop 48 %
Depth of experience 35 %
Feeling of safety 17 %
Did the facilitator prepare the constellation with you?
Yes 69 %
No 31 %
If yes, was this positive for you?
Yes 96 %
No 4 %
Did you feel already a shift in the phase of preparation?
Yes 79 %
No 22 %
Did you talk about your story in front of the group?
Yes 17 %
No 83 %
If yes, did you feel comfortable with it?
Yes 83 %
No 17 %
Would you say that participating as a representative can have a positive effect on one’s own life and well-being?
Yes 95 %
No 5 %
Do you like being a representative in a constellation?
Yes 92 %
No 8 %
If yes, why do you like it? (multiple answers possible)
It has a positive effect on my own life 66 %
I love supporting others in their process 82 %
I learn to trust my intuition 74 %
I get new insights about life in general 78 %
I just love being in a constellation group 32 %
Do you prefer to know or not to know who you represent in a constellation?
I prefer to know it 21 %
I prefer NOT to know it 52 %
It doesn’t make a difference 27 %
Is it important for you to know how constellations work?
No 52 %
Yes, I would like to know more about this. 48 %
Would you recommend a systemic constellation to a friend or relative?
Yes 83 %
No 2 %
Yes, but only with (a) certain facilitator(s) 15 %
(the 2% who replied with “no” thought it was not a serious approach)